Staking V2
What is Staking? Staking is simply understood as locking cryptocurrencies to earn rewards. In Faraland, staking rewards will be in the form of tokens, items, etc.
How to stake $FARA?
Faraland is an innovative project that is focused on developing an exciting and interactive play to earn Game. The staking pool of Faraland is one way of how $FARA Token holders can grow their wealth. There will be two options for staking, users can participate in LP Staking ($BNB-$FARA) or join single token staking with $FARA.
Where to stake $FARA?
Users can stake their tokens under the [STAKE] section of the Faraland homepage (
Why stake $FARA?
Users will receive many rewards when staking at the same time, which are:
Experience points to level up their NFT Heroes.
NFT items for Faraland heroes
More $FARA tokens
Participation in IDOs on FaraStarter – Faraland’s own launchpad for promising new projects – (coming soon)
Faraland’s Staking options
There will be different staking options with different lock periods and rewards. Users can choose to either single stake $FARA or stake $FARA-$BNB LP.
!! New Features – Amplifier (Bonus):
Amplifiers are a brand new feature in Faraland Staking. The longer the lock time is, the more amplified rewards users will get.
The amount of $FARA staked to earn tickets must be the original amount, not the amplified amount.
The tickets gained are not cumulative on the same hero. In other words, if you stake more than 5,000 FARA for 3 months lock or 50 FARA-BNB LP for 2 months lock, you will still receive 1 ticket only
If you sell your staked hero(s), $FARA and tickets for items will still belong to you – the staker.
Amount of EXP needed to level up remains unchanged.
Amount of EXP needed to level up
For example:
lv 1 to lv 2: (1 * (2 * 1 + 1–1) / 2) * 1000 = 1000 EXP
lv 1 to lv 3: (2 * (2 * 1 + 2–1) / 2) * 1000 = 3000 EXP
lv 1 to lv 4: (3 * (2 * 1 + 3–1) / 2) * 1000 = 6000 EXP
Should there be any question, please join our Global community for quickest support!!
Get your $FARA ready to stake with Faraland!
Last updated