
What is Staking?

Staking is simply understood as locking cryptocurrencies to earn rewards. In Faraland, staking rewards will be in the form of tokens, items, etc.

How to stake $FARA?

Faraland is an innovative project that is focused on developing an exciting and interactive play to earn Game. The staking pool of Faraland is one way of how $FARA Token holders can grow their wealth. There will be two options for staking, users can participate in LP Staking ($BNB-$FARA) or join single token staking with $FARA.

Where to stake $FARA?

Users can stake their tokens under the [STAKE] section of the Faraland homepage (

Why stake $FARA?

Users will receive many rewards when staking at the same time, which are:

  1. Experience points to level up their NFT Heroes.

  2. NFT items for Faraland heroes

  3. More $FARA tokens

  4. Participation in IDOs on FaraStarter – Faraland’s own launchpad for promising new projects – (coming soon)

Last updated