Wailing Infernal

Rarity: Rare

Skill type: Active skill

Affect: Enemies

Require level: 15/30/45 (respectively tier 1/2/3)

Skill effect: Deals Physical Damage based on the hero's MAX HP to the target, regains a certain amount of the MAX HP.

Cast Range: 1

Mana Cost: 50

Regains HP : 35%

Physical Damage: 30% MAX HP.

Use count limit: 1

Range: 3 Tiles

Elemental Bonus: N/A

Body parts Bonus:

+0.5% Physical Damage per Uncommon part.

+1% Physical Damage per Rare part.

+3% Physical Damage per Epic part. +6% Physical Damage per Legendary part.

+10% Physical Damage per Mythical part.

Last updated