Demi Heroes
1. What are Demi Heroes?
Demi Heroes’ Lore:
Once upon a time, the land of Miesen consisted of the legend of a gate that connected parallel worlds. Initially, people on the other side of the gate came for the purpose of trading and making connections. As a result, Miesen became one of the busiest cities in the universe of Faraland.
However, not all realities were marvelous. Chaos ensued, a war among realities opened the portal of the multiverse, transforming Miesen from a beautiful land into eternal ice. The consequences of that war still remain.
Even though the war had ended, there were people who were trapped and could not return to their world from the other side of the gate. The citizens of Miesen called them “Demi”. The legend also says that, due to a different biological mechanism, Demi can only maintain their existence for a certain period of time in Faraland. They need to use a primordial energy source to keep them alive.
That energy is called “Soul Stone”.
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