Skill tree of Orcs
All Orcs skills tree that have been released are listed here.
9. Orc: Bulwark (Passive Skill)
📍Description: The Orc gets extra HP while wielding a shield.
🔸 Detailed data:
HP increased while wielding shield(%): 5/ 6/ 8/ 10/ 12%
🔸Body Parts Bonus Bulwark Skill: Increase Hp
+0,5% per Uncommon part.
+1% per Rare part.
+5% per Epic part.
+10% per Legendary part.
+20% per Mythical part.
8. Orc: Jester's Encore (Passive Skill)
📍Description: While under the Provoke status, the caster has a chance to regenerate health. The lower the current health, the greater the regeneration amount.
🔸 Detailed data:
Healing chance: 30/35/40/45/50%
%MaxHP heal when Orc's HP greater than or equal to 50%MaxHP: 10/11/12/13/15%.
MaxHP heal when Orc's HP below to 50%MaxHP: 15/18/20/22/25%.
🔸Body Parts Bonus Jester's Encore Skill:
Increase %HP Heal
+0.1% per Uncommon part.
+0.2% per Rare part.
+1% per Epic part.
+5% per Legendary part.
+10% per Mythical part.
7. Orc: Totem of Wind (Active Skill)
🔸Detailed data:
Initial Cooldown: 2 turns
Cooldown: 4 turns
RT conversion (%SPD): 10%
Cast Range: 3
Use count limit: 2 times
Range effective: 4 tiles
Duration: 3
Puredmg taken (%maxHP): 10%
Buff Allies – %Spd: 20/22/25/28/30%
Debuff Enemy – %Spd: 30/35/40/45/50%
Debuff Enemy – Negative move range: 2
From 29th Dec, 2023, some exciting adjustments to the Totem of Wind Skill:
Buff Allies – %Spd: 10/12/15/18/20% => 20/22/25/28/30%
Debuff Enemy – %Spd: 15/18/20/22/25% => 30/35/40/45/50%
Debuff Enemy – Negative move range: 1 => 2
🔸Body Parts Bonus Totem of Wind Skill:
Bonus %SPD for allies
+0.1% per Uncommon part
+0.2% per Rare part.
+1% per Epic part.
+5% per Legendary part.
+10% per Mythical part.
6. Orc: Vigor Resistance (Passive Skill)
📍Description: The orc warrior harnesses the power of his muscles to forge armor against physical attacks.
🔸 Detailed data:
PDEF for every 30 STR (only from the web): 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8
From 29th Dec, 2023, some exciting adjustments to the Vigor Resistance Skill:
PDEF for every 30 STR (only from the web): 2/ 3/ 4/ 5/ 6 => 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8
🔸 Body Parts Bonus Vigor Resistance Skill:
Bonus% Pdef from Vigor resistance
+0.1% per Uncommon part.
+0.2% per Rare part.
+1% per Epic part.
+5% per Legendary part.
+10% per Mythical part.
5. Orc: Heavy Strike (Active Skill)
📍Description: The orc warrior raises their hand, channels power, and delivers a close-range strike to the enemy, dealing Physical Damage based on a percentage of their own Physical Damage and Strength.
🔸Detailed data:
Initial Cooldown: 0 turns
Cooldown: 2 turns
Accuracy: 65%
RT conversion (%SPD): 10%
Cast Range: 1
%STR as Physical Damage: 100/130/150/160/180%
%Physical Damage as Damage: 50%
🔸Body Parts Bonus Heavy Strike Skill:
%STR as Physical Damage
+0.1% per Uncommon part.
+0.2% per Rare part.
+1% per Epic part.
+5% per Legendary part.
+10% per Mythical part.
From 21st Feb, 2024, some exciting adjustments to the Heavy Strike Skill:
Accuracy: 80% => 65%
%STR as Physical Damage: 50/60/80/120/160% => 100/130/150/160/180%
%Physical Damage as Damage: 20% => 50%
From 22nd Dec, 2023, some exciting adjustments to the Heavy Strike Skill:
Accuracy: 65% (Old) => 80% (New)
%STR as Physical Damage:60/80/120/160/220% (Old) => 50/60/80/120/160% (New)
%Physical Damage as Damage: 60% (Old) => 20% (New)
4. Orc: Two - handed Master (Passive Skill)
📍Description: Berserker gets extra Physical Damage wielding Two-handed Weapons.
🔸Detailed data: Physical Damage increased with Two-handed Weapons (%): 10/ 13/ 15/ 17/ 20% From Changelog v0.3.4, some exciting adjustments to the Two - handed Master Skill:
Physical Damage increased with Two-handed Weapons(%): 20 / 23/ 25/ 27/ 30% (Old) ➡️ 10/ 13/ 15/ 17/ 20% (New)
🔸Body Parts Bonus Two - handed Master Skill:
%Physical Damage increase
+0.1% per Uncommon part.
+0.2% per Rare part.
+1% per Epic part.
+5% per Legendary part.
+10% per Mythical part.
3. Orc: Provoke (Active Skill)
📍Description: Berserker taunts an enemy, forcing the target to land a normal attack on him. The target will lose control until taunt effect runs out. Berserker gets a Physical Defense boost during Taunt.
🔸Detailed data:
Accuracy: 100%
RT conversion (%SPD): 30%
Duration (turns): 2
Physical Defense Increase (%): 15 / 20 / 25 / 30 / 35
Cooldown (turns): 4
Cast Range (tiles): 3
From Patch v0.2.23b, some exciting adjustments to the Provoke Skill:
Accuracy: 90% => 100%
RT conversion (%SPD) Nerf: 50% => 30%
🔸Body Parts Bonus Provoke Skill:
Physical Defense.
+0.1% per Uncommon part.
+0.2% per Rare part.
+1% per Epic part.
+5% per Legendary part.
+10% per Mythical part.
2. Orc: Warlord's Wisdom (Passive Skill)
📍Description: Warlord's Wisdom passively increases INT based on Warlord Shaman level.
🔸Detailed data:
Number of levels grown for EACH increase of 1 INT: 9 / 8 / 7 / 6 / 5.
🔸Body Parts Bonus Warlord's Wisdom Skill:
Gained INT
+0.1% per Uncommon part.
+0.2% per Rare part.
+1% per Epic part.
+5% per Legendary part.
+10% per Mythical part.
1. Orc: Flame Shield (Active Skill)
📍Description: Warlord Shaman casts a flame shield onto self or an ally that repels part of the damage they take in Pure Damage, and does not reflect DoT.
🔸Detailed data:
Pure Damage Reflected: 25/27/30/33/35 %
Physical Defense: 0%
Cooldown: 3
RT conversion (%SPD): 20
Cast Range: 4
Duration: 4 turns
From v0.2.20 Changelog, some exciting adjustments to the Flame Shield Skill:
Pure Damage Reflected: 20/22/24/27/30% => 25/27/30/33/35 %
Physical Defense decrease from 20%/25%/30%/35%/40% to 0%
🔸Body Parts Bonus Flame Shield Skill:
Pure Damage Reflected.
+0.1% per Uncommon part.
+0.2% per Rare part.
+1% per Epic part.
+5% per Legendary part.
+10% per Mythical part.
Last updated